8. Introduction to Visions - Visions

Published on 16 January 2024 at 02:38

I have chosen doors to represent visions because they often show us what is ahead or may communicate something special to us.

This is the introduction to visions when communicating with your angels and guardians during meditation, any moments throughout your day or even during your sleep. I have included a picture of my mediation journal from 2005 where I was meditating and was being shown something I've never seen before that was so amazing and beautiful. When things like this happen, they are often so extraordinary that we never forget them. Since we are using parts of our brain that most people never use at all in life, memories are much stronger and some never fade at all over the rest of our lives.

When a person learns how to activate the 3rd eye and see the things spirit wants to show us, like this example, we can be shown things that are only possible in the spirit realm as one example. It's really incredible to see and experience things that a person has never heard of or even knew that it exists.

In this meditation, as I sat in a dark room with a meditation mask over my eyes to ensure my minds eye will not be distracted by light or shadows from my eye sight in my bedroom. I can see more clearly in meditations than I do here in normal everyday life. We can actually experience our senses on the other side with much increased clarity. Here in real life, our hearing can be impaired or there can be noises around us so it's hard to hear the one sound we are trying to hear. Everything is simple and perfect on the other side.

When using our third eye / mind's eye / higher mind / superconsciousness (many names for it), there is no weak (compared to the other side) or failing physical body part that is interpreting the sound or sight or whatever it is for us. So everything is far more pure on the other side.  

In this meditation vision, it’s as if I’m watching myself from 10 or so feet away in the large, ornate church. When I’m seeing the words forming above my head as I’m thinking them in my mind as I sit in prayer, each successive word is formed following the one before and they float up to the heavens. There are other prayers with words forming and trailing up just as mine are. I can see a faded trail of other older prayers all around us in the cathedral. A lot of what is shown or taught to us by the other side, is done in a symbolic way. Some of it is to teach us something and some of it is to make it more beautiful and suited to the emotions associated with it. Most things we are shown or see with the third eye look just as real as what we see here with our regular eyes during life.

That was a really neat vision during meditation that I couldn’t stop thinking about for weeks afterwards. It was so beautiful. Like the words slowly floated up as if to say, every thought we have and word of prayer we speak in our minds, goes straight up to Heaven to be received and known by whom ever it was intended to be for. Spiritual enlightenment is always positive and uplifting. It helps us understand ourselves, our world here more and be more, in this world but not of it, as the Bible suggests. (John 17:11, 14–15.)

The closer we are to Spirit and the more our thoughts and goals are focused on being more God like, or simply improving our being and being closer to Spirit and God, the easier it becomes to stay safer by avoiding trouble that may be near us, and to not get caught up in things around us that are only going to bring us grief.

Becoming more aware and focused on how to achieve our personal dreams that will bring us happiness and fulfillment, and learning how to avoid near by dangers and situations that will harm us, are a few great perks that comes with remembering who we are and how to communicate with Spirit the way we did before we were ever born here in this life.

Carol Brown © 2023 Weallhaveangelswatchingoverus.com It is a violation of copyright law to reproduce or distribute this content.


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