7. Introduction to Messages - Messages

Published on 5 January 2024 at 02:35

This is an introduction to messages. Messages can be anything Spirit feels you need to know. It can be details on how to improve, topics to study, messages to relay to other people, answers to questions you have asked-they can be anything and everything.

I have chosen images of both Earth and the stars because receiving wisdom from our Master Teachers and Angels is like the human part of us is rooted as always on Earth, while our higher mind or super consciousness, is far away in another place. The choices are infinite depending on where one wants to go, but often it can be amongst the stars as we astral travel. When they answer questions that only they could possibly answer, it's easy to know that this is the unknown truth we seek.
One such truth they explained to me is how thoughts are things so everything we chose to entertain with our thoughts should be the things we want to expand in our world. Only the positive.
When something is created here on Earth, it first has to be created or understood as a thought. Then it evolves from there. Whatever we believe, calls that to us. Manifests what we believe to be true.
If you believe you are not worthy of success, you will not achieve success. If you believe you can do something because others before you have and you want to learn how to achieve this success, you will change your life by moving in that direction. I have heard many stories of people doing this exact thing throughout the years. And now you know where these things came from. Their Angels and Master Teachers.
One of the questions I was curious about was how judgement could possibly work after we die? My Mom and I discussed it one day and she had no idea at all. She knows the Bible very well and some philosophy as well. So, I decided to find out. When a person who was ashamed of what they did, or lied in general, or wanted things to be kept from others and they had bad things in their life-how would the truth ever be known? So, I was shown a sampling of what my judgment would be like.
I would be standing before many souls, sort of like I was on a stage by myself. Before me was a huge screen, facing me, which played my life story from beginning to end. Exactly as it was when I went through it in life. Moment by moment I watched my childhood home and so many little mundane things I had mostly forgotten about. But it wasn't being watched! It was being experienced, from my perspective, by all individually within this very large group. Does that blow your mind or what?!
Every thought, every feeling, every intention-everything in full color and stereo like I was alive and living through it all over again. It was mind blowing, fascinating, and it showed how nothing can be concealed. The complete truth is laid bare for all. And if some of you have guessed from this story just now, yes, time is different on the other side.

Everyone is different and gets very different instructions of course, but this is one of the messages I was given in a meditation on 1/30/2006. I have added the image of my journal that I used that day as I wrote down the message throughout my mediation. I am mostly in the dark so they are usually sloppy because penmanship is not important when meditating. 
Carol Brown © 2023 Weallhaveangelswatchingoverus.com It is a violation of copyright law to reproduce or distribute this content.

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