9. Introduction to Signs - Signs

Published on 18 January 2024 at 02:02

I chose to use street signs as the symbol for signs since the concept is very similar.

From the time I was very little, when I was feeling forgotten and all alone, I would ask my angels for a sign to reassure me that they were right there with me. I knew they were there with me all the time, but life isn't meant to be easy and sometimes when it is getting overwhelming and if we haven't felt reassured in quite a while, it can help to get a sign. If you stay in their good graces and be a good human being, most of the time you will get a sign relatively quickly after you ask.
Now this is not saying, "Give me a sign," every day. If you are focused on receiving enlightenment, working at whatever your goals are and at helping others along the way, you should be getting signs from time to time anyway. Sometimes in life we will be showered with signs and visions showing us what is to come and answers to questions and such, and other times they are a long time in between coming. That's ok. If we are meditating and reading our Bible and saying prayers for strength and guidance, we should feel their presence a lot.
If we were born with the memories of what we knew before we got here, life would not be much of a test now would it?
So, there are three or four different signs I have received throughout my life. One of them is hearts. Whatever I am doing in the moments of life, a nearly perfect or perfect heart can just suddenly be there for me to find. I could be putting canned cat food on a saucer to feed the cats and as I put the saucer on the floor-I am surprised to see a perfect heart. Wow! Or I could be hiking with my family in the desert, and we all walk by a cactus plant with one piece that is a perfect heart shape. That was such a trip! We all stood there staring at it for about 20 seconds and then just looked at each other. Woooow. Of course, my family knows all this stuff and they've seen many hearts and other things over the years.
Then on the way back towards the car, the heart was gone. The cactus was there, but the perfect heart shaped piece of it was gone. The other side can do anything. There are all sorts of out of the ordinary things happening around us in life. Most people just don’t want to see or know so they don’t. The biggest are the miracles that happen. At least as far as I’m concerned. People dying and coming back, falling from a plane and the parachute didn't open and they weren't killed, horrific accidents where no one should have survived, but someone did. All sorts of things all over 24/7. I kept some of these types of stories from newspapers and the internet over the years, but they are constantly happening all the time.
So, I rarely took pictures of these signs over the decades, but I did take some. I am putting two pictures I took with my cellphone of hearts I discovered in this post. One was in a cup of newly made herbal tea and the other was a can of tomato paste I had just opened with a can opener. They can be anywhere and everywhere! I would not be surprised if everyone who is reading this post, can think back and name one or two or more things that have a repeating theme in their life. If you do have one (or some), please post it in the comments. If you don’t yet, you will if you work towards opening up communication with your angels and guides. So don’t feel bad. Success in life comes from deciding on a desired outcome, planning, hard work, dedication, and lots of practice.
Carol Brown © 2023 Weallhaveangelswatchingoverus.com It is a violation of copyright law to reproduce or distribute this content.

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