About Me

My name is Carol Brown, and I am a small-town country girl from Southern California. I grew up on a small farm. Thank you for visiting my blog by the way! Most of my life people have been telling me I have to tell my life story because I have, like many other people, had a Near Death Experience. Also, my family on my moms’ side are a bit unorthodox. Really...whose isn't? I am a very simple person. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I grew up working hard caring for horses, goats, chickens, etc. every day. I could ride a horse with my moms’ help, before I could walk. That was under one year old. As a girl in junior high, I'd get up and milk goats and feed animals before school. I learned responsibility at a young age. I have lived in the north, south, east, central, and in western US states. Near the beach in Coos Bay Oregon was my favorite. I tell it like it is-no beating around the bush. I graduated college and worked in the corporate world many years. I have tried to help people everywhere I go my entire life. I've been around the block a few times. Check back again and read my blog-it's going to be a wild ride! I look forward to meeting you and hearing some of your stories too! Take care and stay safe.  Carol