6. You Must Ask For Them To Help - Spiritual Protection

Published on 4 January 2024 at 18:40

This is an introduction to my fourth blog topic - Spiritual Protection.

Spirit is here with us from before our birth until we are flying back up to Heaven when our time here is done. Our every thought, hope and dream are their focus. They are here to help, guide and navigate us through life's dangers and confusion. I have literally heard, "Go left," in my mind when I was lost driving alone at night (this was before GPS). It was dark and I didn't know which way to go as I just stopped at this fork in the road. I was starting to panic and asked for help. After hearing, "Go left," I immediately turned left and went about 1/2 a mile down the road when I suddenly recognized where I was and relief washed over me! "Thank you!" I said to Spirit.

Sometimes things went wrong like a few times when I made us late going somewhere when I was married. Then something miraculous would happen and we all knew Spirit obviously orchestrated it. One time there was a pile-up with fatalities on the freeway right where we would have been if we had left on time. There are many big moments over the years where we knew that it was not a coincidence or accident because I had trained my mind to communicate with Spirit and had written things down over the years. This way I learned how to have a more accurate understanding of all the seemingly unrelated events happening around us day to day.

They also show us things in dreams to prepare us for upcoming events that otherwise we wouldn't know what was about to happen. Otherwise, we would just think it was some weird dream and forget it within minutes after waking up. If you know something is about to happen, you can prepare for it. It’s always a huge advantage. 

Once I found myself in a dangerous situation at night when I was stranded trying to get home just before a holiday. I had recently sold my car after I got divorced so I had to take the public transit buses for about 1.5 years. That night, I had worked and had gone grocery shopping after work so it was late. I was most of the way home with about 10 bags of groceries when I discovered the buses had a different, reduced schedule that stopped sooner than it showed on their website. I had to walk the last 2 miles home alone after dark in snow and carrying all those bags of heavy groceries.

My kids were grown up and I lived alone so there was no one I could call to come a get me. I will have this story again later in moment to moment detail, but let me just say that I walked very close to some dangerous men while praying for protection because they were buying and selling drugs and had visible weapons, and I was both unseen and unheard. It was one of the most deadly spots in town at night.

Like I said, our little shadow of intelligence compared to their omnipotent intelligence is very humbling. If you devote yourself to Gods’ goodness and promise daily to serve Gods’ will and walk the straight and narrow to do good and see equality in all mankind, Spirit will have your back when you really need it. If you are asking for help! I'm not saying we never have trials or bad things happen to us, everyone living does, but we are afforded a lot of things that most people will never even know anything about.  

Besides having faith and being devoted, we must ask to be able to get their help.  Once you've practiced this for a few years, it will all come automatically because you will be living your life day to day accomplishing these things all the time. You will already be devoted and have an open dialog of communication and will be put through tests from time to time. You will be recognizing where you can still work on growing more in some areas and where you are good in other areas. Life is a constant test. We are here to be tested over and over every day. As gold is tried by fire, the heart is tried by pain. That is loosely from Peter 1:7. The stronger your faith is, the stronger you are in all ways.

Carol Brown © 2023 Weallhaveangelswatchingoverus.com It is a violation of copyright law to reproduce or distribute this content.

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