3. A Message For Christina - Power of Mind

Published on 10 December 2023 at 03:01

Stop thinking how small you are and think How Big You Are!

This is about the Power of Mind. Your higher mind, your guardian angels and your spirit guides that are always near from the time we are born to the time we die. Just waiting to give us guidance, protection, and wisdom whenever we need it.
The average person thinks they are only capable of experiencing life in the same, little box of reality that they currently know. All my stories here are true stories. This one is from my journal dated 1/7/2002, but it happened some months before that. I wrote it in a letter and mailed it to Christina. Then a little later I wrote it in my journal so I wouldn’t forget the details.
Years ago, my best friend Christina was busy and didn't have the spare time at work to set up an email account online for herself. We both worked at the same corporate law firm. She didn't have a computer at home and I did so I told her I would make one for her at home that night. I asked her if she had any preferences. She told me to make anything up and I could just give her all the info later so she could log in and start using it.
So later that night, I sat there trying to think of a good, catchy name for her. I was jotting a few ideas down, but they were just ordinary. Lame. Blah... Nothing good enough for me to give to Christina so I asked my angels for guidance. I prayed for intervention. For my best friend Christina, it had to be special.
I sat quietly and waited for my incoming enlightenment. I waited patiently for a few minutes with a blank mind and then suddenly, I heard something I hadn't heard or even thought of in decades. It was from about twenty years ago-or more. I was listening to the theme song that was the introduction for an old comedy tv show called Green Acres. The song was in perfect clarity and exactly how it was at the beginning of the show each day. I could see Zsa Zsa Gabore and the rest of the skit in my mind.
Hmm...I wondered why I was seeing and hearing that? I remembered how comical and light hearted the show was. I was sitting there smiling and enjoying the silly song and then it ended. As soon as the song stopped, I heard Zsa Zsa's voice speak to me. She said, "Hello darling," as she did so often in the show.
It felt perfect for the email address. I was pondering why I got that since it's not anything I've ever heard Christina say, but the messages I get for others have no meaning to me. I typed in "hellodarling@..." Then I heard Zsa Zsa's voice repeat the word with a heavy emphasis on the ending being a "k" sound instead of a "g." "Dahlink!" she said. Like she was correcting me.
So, I backspaced and replaced the "g" with a "k." Silence followed. Well...it must be right then, I thought. Ok...upward and onward. I knew I was done so I entered the name and waited to see if it was already taken...Nope! Cool beans! Ok...I hope she likes it!
So, the next day I hand her the piece of paper with the email address and password written on it and I'm explaining the significance of the spelling. I'm giving her a play by play of what happened when it came to me. I wait for her to say something. For her reaction...but nothing. She was deep in thought and looked like she was trying to remember something from long ago.
So, I asked her if Zsa Zsa Gabore saying Hello Darlink to her meant anything to her? She looked so confused. Then she said, very slowly, that her Mother used to say that to her all the time when she was little. It was one of her favorite things to say to all of her friends and family. She was known for that phrase.
She went on to say every day before the show came on, she would sit on her Mothers’ lap on the couch and they both waited for it to start. She said it's one of her best childhood memories she has of her Mom. She was so little she hadn't started kindergarten yet. Her Mother had passed away at a young age, so Christina had missed out on most of the things that daughters get to share with their Moms in life. It had been 30 or 40 years since she had passed away.
So, I said to Christina, "So it's a gift...from your Mom. She sent me the message for you. She is telling you this sweet story from your childhood so you could have that for your email address. She's telling you she loves you and misses you with this message...Don't you think?"
She suddenly jumped and her eyes got really big-Oh My God You're Right! And she burst into tears and said she couldn't believe it over and over again. I hugged her as she cried, and I said to her that she is probably here hugging you too right now. And she said she probably is. Then later she laughed at how she was so surprised she just couldn't figure out what was happening, but she kept saying, "It's so cool!!! I can't believe it! It's so cool!"

Carol Brown © 2023 Weallhaveangelswatchingoverus.com It is a violation of copyright law to reproduce or distribute this content.




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